Friday, June 19, 2015

School Survey Assignment

Julianna and I worked on a making a school survey. We included questions such as whats your favorite class. whats your learning style, and how hard is your homework. We made this survey to try to understand how students felt about the school and its schedule. If I could change something in my survey it would be to include more questions that have to do with the schedule. There was no difference between the girl and the boy results when looking at the surveys. The questions that told us the most was what is your learning style, should you be able to leave for lunch, and whats your favorite subject. From this survey we learned that most people are visual learners and that we should have a longer summer. Most peoples favorite subject is history and it was split pretty much in half for if you should be able to pick your teachers for next year. Something I liked about this project was getting to make your own questions and seeing the results from other students.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Virtual Sports

      I had a lot of goals while operating my business during the football season. My main goal was to make a profit and make sure I was not losing a lot of money. My other goals were to have a good record, keep the fans happy and not to get any fines. The most difficult part of running the franchise for me was making a profit and making sure fans were getting through the gates in time for the games because if they weren't it was costing me money. The easiest aspect when managing the team was setting the ticket prices and accepting the licensing agreements. I thought they were the easiest because for the most part I made money off of those things.